Finally finished, or at least almost finished. There are plenty of loose ends to weave in, maybe this evening I could do something about them.
Helmikuun viimeisinä päivinä Helmikuun tilkku valmistui. Ei oikeastaan kovinkaan monimutkainen mutta on ollut paljon muuta kivaa neulottavaa kuten esimerkiksi tiskirättejä.
During the last days of February the February Cable square was finished. Not that complicated but there have been other funnier things to knit. Like dishcloths…
Lanka/Yarn: Novita Puro (72 g)
Feelis: Ihan kiva. Like this one.
Lanka/Yarn: Novita Puro (63 g)
Feelis: Kiva ja nopea neuloa. Quick and easy knitting.