Finally finished. I knitted the first square in 2009, the border has taken since June to knit. This afghan will not win any prices for beauty but it has been in use and the kids has approved it. It's so big that both of the have plenty of space when warpping into it.
Koko/size: 148*180 cm, 2016 g
Feelis: Ehkä hieman liian raskas ollakseen ihan hyvä, venyy joka suuntaan, aika rämäkät värit mutta sinne hupeni sekä minun että äitini jämät, piti jopa hieman kirpparista hakea että valmistuisi. Maybe a little too heavy to be perfect, stretches in every direction, "creative" colors but all my left-overs and my mom's were used to this one I even had to buy some more at Salvation Armys second hand shop.
Tällaisen urhotyön jälkeen voisi hieman juhlia... esimerkiksi kasaamalla seuraavan tilkkutäkin (niitä on vain kaksi odottamassa...)
After making brave work like this you may celebrate... for instance by assembling the next afghan (there is two more waiting...)