Big-brother is really pleased now when the colors of FC Barcelona is keeping his head warm. Luckily the weather turned colder so there is some use for the cap. He is, as already said very pleased with it and the classmates has claimed it to be "cool". In a other words a very succeful knit, but it was tiresome to knit. 12 s and twist the yarns and another 12 s and twist yarns. When it was finished I realized that it was too small so I had to cast on additional 24 stiches and knit two more stripes. Guess if I congratulated myself for knitting it flat instead of in rounds.
Malli/pattern: Purl Soho, Simple Pleasurers Hat
Lanka/yarn: Sandnes Sisu (burgundy 48g), Järbo Garn Gästrike 1-ply (sininen/blue 34g), Järbo-langan neuloin kahdella langalla, double strands of Järbo
Feelis: Yes! Yes! Yes!
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