There was a surprise waiting for me when arriving home from work. The mailman had brought me a skein of linen yarn. Thank you so much Lena for this wonderful surprise, I think, I’ll do as you suggested, knit a summer dishcloth of it.
keskiviikko 22. kesäkuuta 2011
Postinkantaja toi eilen paketin
Yllätys odotti minua kun tulin eilen töistä kotiin. Olin saanut paketin. Kerän pellavalankaa Lenalta. Suurkiitokset, oli tosi kiva yllätys. Neulonpa siitä kesäisen tiskirätin.
Ett jättestort TACK för det fina garnet Lena
There was a surprise waiting for me when arriving home from work. The mailman had brought me a skein of linen yarn. Thank you so much Lena for this wonderful surprise, I think, I’ll do as you suggested, knit a summer dishcloth of it.
There was a surprise waiting for me when arriving home from work. The mailman had brought me a skein of linen yarn. Thank you so much Lena for this wonderful surprise, I think, I’ll do as you suggested, knit a summer dishcloth of it.
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1 kommentti:
Hoppas du får någon glädje av det!
Ha det så jättegott i sommarvärmen!
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