Close to my work was a very nice LYS. I say was because it closed a month ago. The discount though were great and I laid my hands on pretty many skeins. In my hometome we used to have two LYS one with a very good asortement and one where the yarns is behind the counter. Guess which one was closed. Well they had a nice discount too and I managed to save some skeins to a better home. The result is that my stash is now over 10kg (a kind of magic limit) and I'm really ashamed of myself hiding skeins here and there to make it look less than it is.
Siksi yritän neuloa kuin hullu että saisin lanka varaston kutistumaan ja yhdet sukat valmistui pari viikkoa sitten. Lanka on todellakin järkyttävä, sain sen lahjaksi ja oli vähän niin kuin pakko neuloa niistä jotain. Perhe oli kakki yksimielisesti sitä mieltä että ne olivat karmeat ja mieheni kysyi jos aion näyttäytä julkisesti ne jalassa.
So I'm trying to knit lika a mad to reduce the amount of yarn. This pair of socks were finished a few weeks ago. The yarn is terrible, it was given to me as a gift and I kind of had to knit something of it. My family all agreed upon that they were hideous and my husband asked if I was going to were them in public...
Malli/pattern: Valerie Hobbs: Geode socks (Ravelry)
Lanka/Yarn: Hjertegarn Bamboo Strømpegarn (100g)
Feelis: Malli on tosi kiva sukat istuu hyvin jalassa, lanka on kiva kesävilponen mutta kuvio on karmea. The pattern is really nice and the socks fits very well. The yarn feels very summer-cool but the coloring of yarn is terrible.
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