Sukkalaatikko alkaa olla aika täysi ja lisää pitää vaan neuloa. Kesää varten olen neulonut bambulangasta nilkkasukat. Tällä kertaa neulominen oli vaivatonta. Tästä voi siis oppia sen että malli kannattaa aina valita langan jälkeen. Kuinkahan monta kertaa tää läksy pitää tehdä ennkuin se asetuu sinne korvien väliin? Bambulanka on ihanan viileän tuntuinen jalassa mutta ei se ihan ole kuin villalanka… Päivän käytön jälkeen sukka on löysistynyt ja lerputtelee nilkan ympärillä. Onneksi varsi on niin lyhyt että ei kuitenkaan mene makkaralle. Vaikka sukka tuntuu viileältä jalssa niin päivän käytön jälkeen se haisee ja sukka menee suoraan pesuun. Villasukkia voin hyvinkin käyttä pari kolme päivääkin eikä ne haise.
My sock-drawer are getting full but still I have to knit more socks. For the summer I have knitted a pair of ankle socks in bamboo-yarn. This time the knitting was painless. From this you might learn that always chose the pattern after choosing the yarn. I wonder how many times you must do this homework before it’s in place between the ears? The bamboo-yarn feels very airy but it is not like a sock of wool… after one days wear the sock is hanging loose around my ankle. Even though the socks feel airy on the foot it does not feel particularly fresh after one days wear and it goes straight into the laundry. Woolen socks feels fresh even after two or sometimes even after three days wear.
My sock-drawer are getting full but still I have to knit more socks. For the summer I have knitted a pair of ankle socks in bamboo-yarn. This time the knitting was painless. From this you might learn that always chose the pattern after choosing the yarn. I wonder how many times you must do this homework before it’s in place between the ears? The bamboo-yarn feels very airy but it is not like a sock of wool… after one days wear the sock is hanging loose around my ankle. Even though the socks feel airy on the foot it does not feel particularly fresh after one days wear and it goes straight into the laundry. Woolen socks feels fresh even after two or sometimes even after three days wear.
Malli/pattern: Traci Heine: Basket Rib Socks for Women (ravelry)
Lanka/yarn: Wendy Happy (48 g)
Feelis: Kesäiset ja kivat. Summerfresh.
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