Hitstat revealed to me that almost 50% of the visitors at my blog were not from Finland. This made me very surprised! So, I’ll will make a try to keep my blog-postings in two languages and would like to wish all not-Finnish speaking visitors very welcome to Hanne's Needlework.
Viime postauksesssa esittelin pitkän rivin WIPpejä. Osa niistä on valmistunut, mitäs silloin tehdään? Juu, kiireesti lankakauppaan ja ale-korista löytyi kolme kerää sinistä Alaskaa, se oli korjattava talteen. Nopsasti ihan kuumeissani neuloin itselleen pienen talvi setin että kylmät pysyisivät loitolla.
At my last posting I presented a long row of WIPs, some of them are already finished. What to do then one might ask… Naturally you run as quickly as you can to the LYS. In the basket with discount yarns I found 3 skeins of DROPS Alaska in a nice blue color. Naturally these must be saved to a better home… Quickly, like in fever I knitted this combination to keep away the winter colds.
Paula’s scarfette (ravelry)
lanka/yarn: DROPS Garnstudio Alaska; Fetching (62 g),
Paula’s Scarfette (69 g)
Feelis: Tosi nopeat ja helpot neuloa. Koska minulla on aika luiset kädet neuloin vain 40 silmukka ja lisäsin silmukoita peukaloaukko varten. Kaulalinnan neuloin parissa tunnissa.
Very quick an easy to knit. Since my hands are quite skinny I casted on 40 stitches and made a gusset for the thumb. The scarfette was knitted in a few hours.
Tilkkujakin on valmistunut pari kappletta.
I have also finished some squares for the afghans
Lanka/yarn: Idena Juvel (30 gr)
Feelis: Ihan kiva, pidän väristä!
Quite nice, I love the color!
Edustus peittoonkin on eka ruutu valmistunut.
Lanka/yarn: DROPS Alaska
Feelis: Tosi mahtava.
This will be great.
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